
Admin: I really want to give my version of Home a human name. I don't know why, I'll probably only ever use it if I decide to drop some human AU starters, but her human name is going to be Vesta. Only makes sense to name her after a goddess of the home, doesn't it?


Admin: I really want to give my version of Home a human name. I don't know why, I'll probably only ever use it if I decide to drop some human AU starters, but her human name is going to be Vesta. Only makes sense to name her after a goddess of the home, doesn't it?


Admin: Something a bit more comical to balance my usual angst ridden headcanons about Home.
          I like to think Wally is trying to make the best of Home taking a human form and uses her as a new model and muse. Home isn't particularly happy about posing for him for long periods of time, but goes along with it because it feeds her ego.
          I know that in canon, Wally's drawings and paintings are more like simplistic childlike drawings, but for this headcanon, I like to think he's taking his time with these, meaning Home is probably posing for at least an hour, if not more, also having to deal with Wally adjusting her as she slowly moves out of the pose he wants her in. 
          Home, this being that has so much power over her surroundings and Wally himself, is having to deal with this three foot tall puppet constantly ordering her around and physically readjusting to make sure everything is /just/ right for at least an /hour/.
          I need to do a roleplay with this concept sometime. It's hilarious to me.


// okay but would home use the fact that Greyson is very easy manipulate and the fact he clings to anyone that seems like a parental figure just to manipulate him more?
          I mean poor ram child isn’t getting a happy ending anyways, he’s dying at some point via public execution style :’)
          Idk angsty ideas lmao. I mean their first interaction seemed pretty fine to be fair but home is manipulative anyways


@labescaped Admin: Oh, she would. She would definitely use whatever she could to make someone do what she wants. Adding in the fact that seeing her as a maternal figure with give him a reason to defend her, she'd also see it as a form of self preservation.


Admin: Random thing I feel the need to explain: I use the terms housewife and homemaker to describe Home, when I technically should just be calling her a homemaker as she is unmarried.
          This however has given me a bit more to her fake persona, adding the fear of becoming an old maid to her diva persona. My Home dresses in a style more reminiscent of the 1950s, making her come across as older than the other characters even if she doesn't exactly look it. As I imagine Home's doting, friendly and slightly flirty personality being her choosing a persona of a character who could actually be on the show, I can definitely see the writers mocking the idea of a woman being too old to marry, especially as the role of married women was greatly challenged during the 70s.
          To clarify, as of now, the writers have no clue Home has assumed human form, she is not on the show. They're simply using their knowledge of what would make sense for the writers to include as to not raise suspicion from the others. 


// angsty like you requested. I apologize if this is bad because I just got back home from like a 3-ish hour car ride :’)
          { Wally sighs.} “have I done something wrong once again or are you choosing to lock me inside for no reason….for your own amusement?”


@paintdsmile "Have you? Then why have some of the others started asking questions? Questions they shouldn't have even thought to ask."


“I don’t believe I have. I’ve stuck to your said rules.”


@paintdsmile "Well, that might be a thing for you to ask yourself. Have you broken any of my rules lately?"


Admin: My toxic trait is only having muse for dead fandoms. I just had a potential idea I'd like to share as I may end up playing with it in the future. Please let me know if you like it.
          As most of you know, while I do think Home is the true villain, I love playing around with Villain Wally when I get the chance to. I've stated before that Home hides her sadistic personality  behind the front of a wholesome homemaker. I was inspired by The Stepford Wives, so what if Home went full Stepford in a Villain Wally AU? What I mean by that is, what if Wally somehow was able to force her to act like her facade, actually turning her into a smiling doting homemaker completely against her will. I imagine she's also partially aware of what is happening as well.
          Don't get me wrong, Home is not sympathetic. She's a terrible abusive person. I just think the concept itself is /terrifying/ and would make for some good horror.


Admin: Why do my fandoms always die whenever I have muse for them? I swear I'm cursed or something. Lol.


// yeah that’s probably why tbh. Again you can always still interact with any of my anons obviously 
            I love interacting with you :D


@mshrmlabs Admin: Oh, I don't blame you at all. We were kinda the only ones really on here for a while. I'm sure the website currently being down isn't helpful 


// welcome home fandom is just kinda dead tbh :( sorry
            I’ll bring Wally back maybe some other time though. You can still interact with any of my anons ofc
            I don’t mind


Admin: I've solidified something new about my Home's character, how she presents herself to the outside, a personality she uses to hide her true sadistic personality.
          Home presents herself as a stereotypical vintage housewife, a real Stepford kinda gal. Making sure everything is in its place and taking great care in homemaking. Sure, she's a bit of a diva and can seem to be rather harsh with someone if they mess with what she has deemed perfect, but it's just a small quirk, right?


@cniblsms Admin: I hate yet love her too. She may be the most vile character I've ever played.


// she’s so evil and I hate her but it works so well for Wally angst :)
            Also I swear one of these days I’ll be active on my Wally anon


“Who are you supposed to be exactly?”


“Ah, very weird then.”


@undeadpuppets "Alright, Duck it is then. We don't normally have people outside of Home show up. One of the last times we saw that was a little girl named Mary, however, she moved here."