
@CloudyRainy321 Rich people view this life as heaven. Poor people view it as hell. Different people view the same thing very different ways. That's the beauty of this life. We're all different. But people can become rich when they're poor, and vice versa. Maybe it'll change. That's what happened between me and him. I hated him, absolutely hated him, and then, suddenly...I didn't anymore. If everyone in the world wanted you to die but him, what would you do? Think deeply about that.


@CloudyRainy321 He might seem bad, and he has done many bad and terrible things in his life, but...I feel like he knows what he did is wrong, and he clearly regrets it. He's just trying his best, to be honest. He might not be doing well, because he really is a klutz, but he's just trying his best. So...go along with him, and try and give him one more chance. If he does anything bad another time, you have my permission to do whatever you like with him. And again, this is just merely a suggestion. Nothing more, or nothing less.


@CloudyRainy321 Rich people think that life is a game, life is so easy. Poor people think that life is brutally difficult. How can the exact same thing be so different? That’s because people choose, not the earth itself. The same way, I, or any other person in general, can be the exact same. Be careful who you be friends with. Only be friends with people you know will lead you to good. Appearances can be decisive.