I've managed to live a few different places through the years. I was born in Los Angeles, but I've been across most of the western half of the United States. I even spent a couple of years in Argentina. Growing up near both the Rockies and the Sierra Nevadas, I have a deep love of nature, especially the mountains. There is something so amazing about them - every time I visit them I find my inner peace, no matter how far away its flown.
I'm also a huge nerd, with a love for mathematics, physics, chemistry and astronomy in particular. I figure I got that from my dad, who was a huge fan on science and science fiction, who worked with computers his entire life and shared his passion with me. some of my fondest childhood memories are sitting with my parents watching Star Trek, the Six Million dollar Man, and Battlestar Galactica.
The first full-fledged novel I read was the Sword of Shannara. I'd watched the animated versions of the Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings, and Terry Brooks' imaginative post-apocalyptic fantasy world pulled me right in. It was around the same time that I was introduced to Dungeons and Dragons, a fantastic game that allowed a group of people to create a fantastical world of their own making. Even though I didn't realize it yet, I'd been bitten by the writing bug.
I first tried creating stories based off my gaming sessions. They were quite juvenile, although there were some hints at a maturity that would only grow. From gaming sessions, I moved to creating characters of my own, though still in the world of rpgs. Then, by the time I was finishing high school, I conceived of a story that I am actually prepping to shop around. It has evolved a lot since I first imagined it, as has my writing.
I only recently gave in to that need to create, trying to become a serious writer in 2013. Each short story and novel I've attempted has put me a little closer to the success I seek. I hope you will soon enjoy what has taken a lifetime to hone.
- DołączyłJune 28, 2018
- website: noelcwolters.com
- facebook: Profil Facebook Noel
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