
I don't wanna make you guys wait so damn long for a single shitty chapter and waste your time so I'm writing this. 
          	I honestly don't feel like the way i used to when i started writing. I used to be so excited about starting another chapter, thinking how I'll make my stories unique with the crazy plots and twists that i came up with myself but it isn't the same anymore. I'm scared to make another chapter since it ends up being bland and strange anyways because of my writing. AOA used to be fun to write but in return, it got shitty since I'm still a beginner who's too passionate and carefree to even notice mistakes so i rewrote it along with AB. 
          	(Continuity in the comments)


I thought i was getting better but it's actually the opposite and got really insecure since it's continuously getting more and more irrelevant and thought i was doing something wrong(I still do). I guess people just didn't bother to give it a second chance but I don't blame them tbh. I've also gone too far criticizing my works so i tried making it as perfect as i can in my own eyes that i obsessed about my books so much just to make it good just like the other books in the fandom, but i guess that's how the book lost it's playfulness just as i did writing it when i was just getting started with it. Some of y'all probably grew tired of it idk but i wouldn't be surprised and I'm sorry. But to those who watched me improve(?), I'm eternally grateful for y'all and will literally never forget about you. In all honesty though, i don't think i still have a future with this hobby anymore and that it isn't for me so I'm going in an extremely long hiatus. 
          	  It pains me to say this but i might not even come back but i will try to convince myself everyday to do so though since I don't wanna give up on y'all, you guys don't deserve that. For now, I'll delete this app. I'll still be writing but only small scenarios/HCs that I'll only post on my Tumblr account when i feel like it and focus on improving my art. 
          	  I had a really fun time writing here and chatting with my readers and i really loved you all and meant to me as a friend because you guys are so kind and sweet, as cheesy as that may sound, but i don't really know how else should i put it. 
          	  Thank you for all of the support and love you guys gave me but it's time for me to do the same for myself.
          	  (Sorry if this is too sobby and long, that's just my life i guess lmao)


I don't wanna make you guys wait so damn long for a single shitty chapter and waste your time so I'm writing this. 
          I honestly don't feel like the way i used to when i started writing. I used to be so excited about starting another chapter, thinking how I'll make my stories unique with the crazy plots and twists that i came up with myself but it isn't the same anymore. I'm scared to make another chapter since it ends up being bland and strange anyways because of my writing. AOA used to be fun to write but in return, it got shitty since I'm still a beginner who's too passionate and carefree to even notice mistakes so i rewrote it along with AB. 
          (Continuity in the comments)


I thought i was getting better but it's actually the opposite and got really insecure since it's continuously getting more and more irrelevant and thought i was doing something wrong(I still do). I guess people just didn't bother to give it a second chance but I don't blame them tbh. I've also gone too far criticizing my works so i tried making it as perfect as i can in my own eyes that i obsessed about my books so much just to make it good just like the other books in the fandom, but i guess that's how the book lost it's playfulness just as i did writing it when i was just getting started with it. Some of y'all probably grew tired of it idk but i wouldn't be surprised and I'm sorry. But to those who watched me improve(?), I'm eternally grateful for y'all and will literally never forget about you. In all honesty though, i don't think i still have a future with this hobby anymore and that it isn't for me so I'm going in an extremely long hiatus. 
            It pains me to say this but i might not even come back but i will try to convince myself everyday to do so though since I don't wanna give up on y'all, you guys don't deserve that. For now, I'll delete this app. I'll still be writing but only small scenarios/HCs that I'll only post on my Tumblr account when i feel like it and focus on improving my art. 
            I had a really fun time writing here and chatting with my readers and i really loved you all and meant to me as a friend because you guys are so kind and sweet, as cheesy as that may sound, but i don't really know how else should i put it. 
            Thank you for all of the support and love you guys gave me but it's time for me to do the same for myself.
            (Sorry if this is too sobby and long, that's just my life i guess lmao)


Focc it, I'm hating my art again so I'm gonna go back to writing soon(It's probably gonna be shitty as usual but what do you expect lmao) I'll just finish my wips and go back to my cave KSJSKS


@Want-to-cry-and-die thank you, i just really can't help it sometimes lol


@Norange_inAFork bruh sjjsjajjasjjs dont say that your art is cool af and i like it 


Aight guys, I'll be really busy from now on so slow updates will become slower since I'm planning on opening commissions very soon(I won't be using my accounts as Norangey tho). My family's kinda in a tough situation with finance so i decided I'll buy myself things i need from now on and save them money so yeah— I'll still be writing every now and then but it'll probably take me time to finish chapters and publish them. 
          (Also yes, I'll still be shitposting on Tumblr because i can never be too busy to share memes everyday)
          And as always, thank y'all and drink your water. Take care and get some hugs from your bodypillow or whatever you wanna hug, just get some hug and if you don't have something to hug then...
          *Virtual hugs*


gUYS— What do you feel about me changing Y/N's stand name in Aftermath's Band-aid??? 3 chapters are already done and I'm planning to publish them already but i kinda got an idea soooo 0_0


@Want-to-cry-and-die i was actually thinking abt that too cuz in AB, y/n's actually a bit younger than y/n in AOA


or it can have a nickname of y/n as a real name or sum


@Norange_inAFork oooh that y/n can have like an alternative name or sum. She can have the same looks as the other reader but like change small things I guess???


I'm kinda getting back on my feet and has been starting to write little by little again, feels great :>>>


@FANFlCS Oh my, thank you sm!! I wish you the best as a writer here too! :DDD


@Want-to-cry-and-die short gang rise up
            (Fr tho I'm literally an inch shorter than koichi or is just the same height as his canon height)


@Want-to-cry-and-die i hope you're doing very well and is safe too!! Thanks for being here <333


this message may be offensive
          But uh— don't worry guys, once i land a slap on this author bish(me) I'll start writing again. For now, I'm taking a break because i seriously can't write aND IT SUCKS


We can wait also you better stay healthy and  hydrated  before I go to wherever you are and bring some ✨ T U B I G ✨ myself =) 


@jjba-kinnie damn that really sucks, i hope you're doing good now tho! 


@Want-to-cry-and-die thank you for sticking around, this really made me feel better <333


Aight guys I'm here again to say that i lived! Yay! On a more serious note, school year's already over for me(Private school gang ☞ ̄‿ ̄☞) so i can write now. This month has been really busy and stressful—since it's finals—so I didn't really had the time to write, and i may or may not have overestimated my writing skills and the time it takes to write one chapter so I'm still a bit burned out lmao. But don't worry! I make sure to take breaks(and shitpost in Tumblr too)
          Also, i might publish atleast five or three chapters of Aftermath's Band-aid soon and probably the same for All Over Again. Like i said, I'm still a bit burned out so updates may become slow but worry not because I'm still going to update! Only a couple of chapters everytime tho(like two or three, i hope you guys are fine with that)
          And yepp, that's pretty much it, take care y'all. Stay safe and dehydrated and hug your bodypillows.
          ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ OrangeAuthor ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ


@Norange_inAFork Take all the time that you need author! Also summer started for me too but I need confirmation from my teacher 


Y'all i just got noticed by my favorite author, I'm so happy i think I'm gonna cry lmAO— ;﹏;


@Norange_inAFork awwww congrats!!  。^‿^。