
If anyone was wondering. I have had a serious flow of writing juices. A dam was blocking off the part of my brain that I needed for writing my memoir the best way possible. After interviewing family and watching old home videos I had a breakthrough and the juices have been flowing ever since. While the spark is there I want to focus on that book, Thank God for Lucifer. However, I will still be updating Bury the Moon Tuesday. I will also take time to read my favorite stories this week.   


If anyone was wondering. I have had a serious flow of writing juices. A dam was blocking off the part of my brain that I needed for writing my memoir the best way possible. After interviewing family and watching old home videos I had a breakthrough and the juices have been flowing ever since. While the spark is there I want to focus on that book, Thank God for Lucifer. However, I will still be updating Bury the Moon Tuesday. I will also take time to read my favorite stories this week.   


Hey there! Not sure if you'd be interested, but a small group and I have started a discord server for writers and/or gamers. I just wanted to reach out personally to see if you wanted to join <3 Link is in my profile, but no pressure.


@NovelNest-AGoodRead lol i just saw this. You might have to refresh my profile page if you're on mobile. I think if you're on a computer, you'd be able to see it. (It's also in my linktree if you could see that) If not, I replied to one of your comments with the direct link.


I see where it says discord link below but I don't see a link! 


Awesome! Let me know if you have any issues <3


I have photo dropped in my memoir, "Thank God for Lucifer," to give you all a more personable feel to the story, as well as who I am. I have updated my memoir 38749823482 times, and after each revision it's become more authentic and honest and more chronologically played out. The first two sections of my memoir have been added. I will be updating with the next two sections of my memoir within the next couple of weeks. I have formatted it to be in Parts, and each part has "chapters," the same as the printed book will, there has also been a "book trailer," added with snippets of the interview I had with my mother. THANK YOU ALL.


Dancing with the Devil has now been posted of my Memoir: Pinky. This is one of my longest chapters, bringing you into the start of my life as a pre-teen. This will give you an idea of how things started for the next chapter, about living with my school aged friend, starting a relationship very young with a psychotic first love, meeting a woman that changed my life while ending her own, leading to the end as we knew it, where my brothers and I were almost killed but got away, leaving our mother, who escaped with her life and a secret call to 911.