une âme perdue depuis 28 printemps. // a lost soul of 28 winters
  • InscritSeptember 7, 2018

Dernier message
Noxisawriter Noxisawriter Apr 12, 2024 01:26AM
Hey I had to reset my password again. dunno what im doing here haha. i'm still alive if anyone is still around. and i'll leave and come back in like months haha.
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Histoires par Nox
Stay With Me ( RaKen ) par Noxisawriter
Stay With Me ( RaKen )
Wrote this on VIXX Amino for a challenge, enjoy reading ~
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The Sound of Sirens  par Noxisawriter
The Sound of Sirens
When Seoul's star detective Lee Hongbin is confronted with the most dangerous gang leader in the city, will h...
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