@tzehleng @The_Real_Me_Here @boysbeware @Cupcakeluv1635 @Joli_Belle @foreverbad125 LOOK, I know you guys are surely upset, but you do need to understand that she is not the only one that steals book from another person. Yes I do get it, stealing someone's books is stealing there success, if I was in the author shoes well yeah I will get mad, But hear me out in this. Ive been knowing My nylee for years, and we come across being so close. As you guys probably know she haven't been on wattpad for a year because she's been having a very tough time in reality, like depression, anxiety and even eating disorder. You don't need to believe me in this but sometimes people do things to make others happy Just because she steels a book it doesn't make her a crime . You probably thinking she's a baddie or committed something I think the best solution for YOU guys to do is to leave her alone now in that case JUST FORGET IT. She deleted it, what do you guys want??

@Annxbl_ um yes it is a crime she STOLE so yeah but like you said forget it, so I don't really care now since im not the one committing an offence