╱ k so i'm totally reviving this acc cause love me some michael mell, pls interact!! jeremy heere anons come back
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╱ k so i'm totally reviving this acc cause love me some michael mell, pls interact!! jeremy heere anons come back
╱ k so i'm totally reviving this acc cause love me some michael mell, pls interact!! jeremy heere anons come back
MICHAEL MICHAEL MICHAEL MICHAEL I THINK I HAVE A CRUSH — !! * Christine was bouncing up and down excitedly *
- @OUTOFPRINTGAMES - She kinda has a bad rap around the school as the ‘ slut ‘ but she’s actually really really sweet !! * she was referring to Madeline *
jeremy was mad — no , pissed . not at anyone in particular , just stupid feelings he thought would go away by now . how stupid do you have to be to fall for a friend ? especially michael . the amount of times he found himself daydreaming was sickening , he wanted the feelings to go away . he didn't want to hang onto every last word from michael's lips he watched intently . he didn't want this lovesick attitude around him , but he was too ashamed to even tell anyone . the constant urge to tell michael was oh so tempting , and sometimes he seriously contemplated it . like right now , as he clicked on michael's contact and pressed the call icon . he waited as it rung , taking a deep breath and ready for this yearning to be over already , one way or another .
all dressed , hair not a mess , on his way to .. how do i make that rhyme ? damn . jeremy was all ready for the hangout now , so he started the short walk to his friend's house . when he arrived — already tired from the short walk , he opened the window more and sat in the window sill . " knock knock -- sorry for coming in the window , dreadful etiquette i know " jeremy grinned -- he just randomly quotes heathers now because of christine . " i think this is the point i convince you to kill three popular girls . " he snickered , hopping off of the window sill to the floor . " but i'll save that for later -- hiii !! " jeremy smiled , moving closer to him and giving him a quick and sort of awkward hug .
╱ @nintendozombies ! michael doesn't have a chance to respond to the long ramble of ( adorable ) incoherent gibberish , but he smiles after jeremy hangs up , letting out a relieved sigh . as he stares up at the roof , lit up by purple coloured led lights , michael thinks to himself . where would he be in this world without jeremy heere ? probably geeking out on antique/retro video-games , same as he always does , just ... more lonely . michael gets up to throw on his red hoodie , fix his hair a bit , crack the window open , and / attempts / to clean his room . ( it's all stuffed under the bed ... )
( @OUTOFPRINTGAMES ) jeremy jumped out of bed to get changed , getting super excited now –– but now for the dreaded picking of the outfit ... great . now if he / was / going to confess today , he should look .. good , right ? he sighed and looked through his closet , some hangers clanging down to the floor . he jumped and looked at his phone which he left on his dresser -- he forgot he was on the call and assumed the pause meant he hung up . " oh , uh – sure , sounds good . i only get high with you because it's funny by the way . " he snickered , moving closer to the phone to put it to his ear . " be over soon , okay ? be ready or i'll smash a window ! k love you bye -- " he joked , hanging up and setting the phone down . wait -- what did he say last ?? crap ... instead of self loathing for the next twenty minutes , he got changed into a pretty spiffy blue sweater and some jeans , not sure how to look ' nice ' when all he has are jeans and striped clothing .
╱ cb ++ specify mood!
@OUTOFPRINTGAMES //soft!! I need some mlm/wlw solidarity between Michael and Christine —//
╱ revive musical anons 2021
i'm sorry , but pineapple on pizza is NASTY. nobody can change my mind.
❪ @2NDPLAYER &&. @familyfriend- ❫ SEE ! even JARED agrees with me , jeremy. it is a sin against humanity. it's sweet fruit mixed with / grease /.
* me : doesn't reply 2 days after our other rp me 2 days after the other rp : lol what if injured jeremy " michael , hey ! uh , i know it looks bad but worry about it , i ran into- /people/ , " bony hands tremble fervently as they fidget along with the hem of the lanky boy's dirtied cardigan , sleeves folded up to his elbow so his arms could breathe . he seems frantic and shaken up about something , eyes glancing back and forth , right and left , before giving michael a desperate glance and faulty smile (he visibly winces) . jeremy tries to shrug off the adrenaline in him . there's a gash on his cheek . a couple small bruises here and there but it isn't /horrible/⎯ it's not like he /hasn't/ been through this ; just hasn't happened in awhile , is all . " i just- i just need help treating it before it gets worse and i suddenly get some weird infection and then my dad sees me and i get in trouble on the way to the hospital or whatever and then i find out i have some kind of disease and⎯ "
the smaller squeaks in the sudden elevation , clutching around michael's shoulders tighter for extra good measure . he's careful with the pressure , not wanting to risk accidentally choking the dark brunette below . there's goosebumps on jeremy's skin but he doesn't mention anything about how chilly he felt , and if michael ever felt just how icy his skin was jeremy didn't know if he should be grateful he didn't point it out . jeremy mumbles a soft , quiet 'thank you' into michael's ear , nuzzling into the warmth of michael's neck and making himself comfortable . his friend was a walking fireplace , really⎯ which was incredibly convenient for how much of the opposite jeremy'd seem to always find himself . he gets cold far too easily , much weaker than that of michael mell but it was still manageable . actually , jeremy's gotten quite used to it . " m-mich- " a noise of distress erupts from his throat as michael pretends to lose his own balance , catching the faint sound of held-back laughter and furrowing his brows . it feels a lot more fun like this however , his worries fading away and the tension in his limbs dying as soon as he realizes just what michael was doing . he snorts and giggles , occasionally shouting whenever he felt as if he were going to slip off but enjoying the generous piggyback ride nonetheless . michael's laugh sounded like heaven . " drop me , coward , " jeremy challenged despite not wanting to , the possibility of michael complying to such at a low considering the fact he was still injured and beat up and tired . he could sleep like this , actually . " c'mon . "
▋┋@2NDPLAYER he begins to laugh , involuntary snorts eliciting his lips as his ' oh my god i'm gonna drop you ! ' teases have slowed to a halt . " kidding , kidding ! i'd never drop you . " he giggles , hands tightening over his outer thighs and scooting jeremy up a bit on his back . " that'd be too cruel of me . "
▋┋@2NDPLAYER straightening out his legs , michael grunts , back still hunched over as his hands grasp onto jeremy's thighs --- making sure he won't slip off . no homo . the first thing he notices is how / cold / jeremy is ; his chilly , non - scarred cheek pressed up against the nape of michael's neck . he frowns . he decides not to point it out , just in case . " there we go , " michael chuckles , voice soft and caring . he feels horrible . even if everything that happened to jeremy wasn't in his control , nor was it his fault , he just .... felt bad . like maybe , just maybe , he could've done something . maybe / not / go to the bathroom . in attempt to lighten the mood , michael smirks . a cheeky plan envelops in his brain . " oh , no , " he gasps , eyebrows raising . " i'm totally losing balance ! " his voice sounds like he's seriously trying to hold back a laugh . out of nowhere , michael starts over - exaggeratedly stumbling , , swooping up and down , and managing to make his way out the bathroom door --- yet , he didn't stop swaying back and forth .
* henlo i lov u
((Nice aesthetic!))
* HEY . HAHA i stole ur mbv B)
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