A struggling college child who doesn't know what they're doing with their life other than binge eat chips and anime- all while pleading with the gods that someone hot enough to fall in love with a slob like me appears. 

Social Media:


  • Probably eating or sleeping
  • IscrittoMay 21, 2014

Ultimo messaggio
ObeyTheTacoMan ObeyTheTacoMan Dec 31, 2016 08:08AM
Just got an instagram account, in case you're intrested. The name is AWholeLotOfYaoi
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Storie di Taco Man
Beauty & The Beast (BxB) di ObeyTheTacoMan
Beauty & The Beast (BxB)
Jamie Picket isn't the prettiest person. He's a bit.... ok, a lot overweight. He has a very bad acne problem...
Book Ideas di ObeyTheTacoMan
Book Ideas
Just story plots I thought might be intresting. None of these are complete and some are just a few sentences...
13 Elenchi di lettura