
How come I don't get notifications of comments on my story anymore? Does this happen to anyone else? I just checked on one of my chapters recently and saw a whole bunch of new comments.


@ObsidianFantasy And P.S. I've been both busy and lazy with writing. Sorry guys.


I genuinely love your work! You're definitely one of my many inspirations. I never got to take an in-depth look into your work until today, and to be honest, I wish I was this good. :) 
          Would it be okay if you gave me a little bit of support and feedback for my start-up book? Like the name suggests, I just started, and I'm a little scared of how good or bad it might be in terms of quality. You're feedback would mean the world. 
          Thanks again, and have a wonderful day! <3


Well I never got the chance to read your books.  I will wait and then wait for them.  Um....if you need help. Hit me up!  I have only 3-4 days of school per week. I also have a part time job. So I have a lot of time to do absolutely nothing. I need something to do anyways...   And good luck!