It's me, gaylord comin' through. I ended up having to delete my account so yeah here we are on a fresh start. How're y'all doin'?

About Admin: Female. I like to sleep, eat, read, and watch anime. I like the color purple. That's about it.
  • Voco-household
  • SumaliSeptember 8, 2021

Huling Mensahe
OfficialFukase OfficialFukase Nov 04, 2022 01:30PM
*sleeping for once, surrounded by infinite plushies bcus why not*
Tingnan ang lahat ng mga usapan

Mga kuwento ni Fuckass
Dear McFrickin' Diary 2: Electric Boogaloo ni OfficialFukase
Dear McFrickin' Diary 2: Electric...
Hehehe you thought it was over, did you? Well it's never over!
An Old Pleather Book ni OfficialFukase
An Old Pleather Book
*An old, worn out book. The yellowed pages are nearly falling out, and the ink is splotchy and faded, but you...
Book From Brain ni OfficialFukase
Book From Brain
Whatever my brain says, I write.
+1 pa