
Hey y'all. Sorry I haven't been updating at all. The new school year was crazy and I've been pretty stressed. I think for now I'll only be updating the Hamilton Spy AU since I already have a ton written. Thanks y'all. 


What if you just had this idea for a one shot book that wasn't Hamilton for once? But you don't because its something none of your friends ever talk about and probably think is dumb but you don't want to be one of those crazy people that they label you like just because you're into this fandom that's a bit "off key".
          I don't know what to do. Please don't laugh, but my idea was...
          One Direction one shots and sickfics. Seriously. This fandom is smart because Hamilton sickfics would be awesomeeeee but there are none.
          Okay. Let me know what you  think or if you'd be open to reading. Don't underestimate my power. I bet I'll write a story ten times better than the cliché OneD story you're thinking of. Okay. BYE!


Scrap it. I'm writing it. Laugh if you want but I've had a bad day and I don't give a s*** about your rude comments (if there are any. Please don't hate me).


Thank you for the follow


@Harmonyangeldreamer that is so sad. If you need anyone to talk to, I'm here. I recently lost someone close to me too, so I understand. Have a great day (or night) and if you want to keep chatting you can pm me 


@OliveButtons Thank you, you are very kind. I have taken a break for the last many months following the loss of my baby daughter but I feel a little more like writing again and I have a story that has been on hold and needs finishing.


Does anyone just LOVE it when the fandom goes nuts over Lams or something else like that and you just sit there thinking of how pure Martha and George Washington fluff would be and then you want to write a one shot book JUST for them? 
          Just me? Okay. 


@OliveButtons YEP. ALSO big news that I forgot...ITS NATIONAL PEGGY DAY


Holy cow. For those of you that even care any more, thank you so much. I know it seems like I've abandoned ship, but I haven't. I've been so extremely busy and standardized testing starts tomorrow. Hopefully I have more time to write in the summer. Love you all and Hamilton Spy AU new part shod be out soon if I can find where I left off. 


I have a question. Now that my life is not just Hamilton but musicals in general, I was thinking of writing a book on the stressful life if a teenage stage crew ninja. As my director calls us. However, I want to base it off of people in my life and events, but I can't use their names. And I don't like any of the names I can think of. Help me decide?


@OliveButtons please do not use my real name


@OliveButtons you can use my name :) it’s already out there.


I'd like to thank a couple of people in my life and I really wanted to tell someone. I don't think anyone will actually read this. But, to ight when it went from our usual seventy degrees to forty and snowing, I ended up freezing in my jacket. I was so desperate that I had to waddle over to my director and ask for a hot hand. She ended up freaking out and having to rub my hands, along with a former cast member. I got passed off to my stage manager and the star of the show, and my stage manager missed his cue because he was so concerned about me and was rubbing my hands with his nice warm sweatshirt. Then our lead wrapped me in a blanket and rubbed my hands. So thank y'all for being so nice. I love all my musical family! If y'all have any people in your life that do "little things", make sure to thank them because it might just make their day. Or night. Bye!


Okay. I owe y'all an apology. I've started three books, and have yet to update any of them for a while. I've been writing, but slowly. We hatched some chicks this past week, and we have one who broke her leg. I've been nursing her this weekend and taking care of her, but just a bit ago I walked in to her struggling. I sat with her until she finally kicked the bucket. 
          Her name was Miracle. It's amazing she lived this long at all. So please, give me some grace, and I'll be back to updating in a little bit. I'll try to get one or two more out on the pre written one, but else wise,  I'm taking a break. Prayers are appreciated. 
          With much love,
          Olive Buttons. 


POLL TIME!! Would y'all be interested in a Hamilton Spy AU? It's pre-written soi could post fairly often. Tell me yes or no!!


@the_laetus_poeta lol, okay. The first update SHOULD be in the next few days, but my life is a little crazy rn. Musical rehearsals have been "w A c K" right now, to quote a DEAR friend of mine. Haha. 

