
Hey guys I know I’ve not posted in AGES like forever. I basically just finished my training and the last year has been crazy and I’ve just not had the time but I’m going to continue with this story & hopefully you’re still here with me lol! Xx 


Hey guys I know I’ve not posted in AGES like forever. I basically just finished my training and the last year has been crazy and I’ve just not had the time but I’m going to continue with this story & hopefully you’re still here with me lol! Xx 


          I was literally reading chapter 11 when you updated!
          Chapter 12 was my favourite chapter so far. 
          Honestly, I laughed so many times, the convo between them is so funny and such the right ratio of humour and hatred. I ADORE this book


Well morning, I have been writing all night and it is not 4:22am. I am glad I am not working later! Though, it makes it worth it when you get comments like this x


This has made my day! 


As promised, another update. 
          Take the quick turn around as my apology for not updating for near 3 weeks. 
          Work is sorted now, so I can get back to focusing on this book. As always, I’d love to hear any feedback on the chapters, the characters, the development of the story etc. Every opinion is useful in going forward. 
          - love liv x 


Hey everyone,
          I know it’s been a long time but I have finally updated and it’s a long chapter! I have finished all my deadlines now and will divert my attention back to this book! 
          Please let me know what you think.
          I appreciate all votes, shares, comments and reads. 
          - Love liv x