
          	Frozen is complete!!! This is such a big deal for me because I've never fully completed a story before! I'm gonna go eat all the cupcakes and cookies to celebrate...
          	Anyways, now that I've finished Frozen, I can keep working on the other stories. The next ones to be completed will probably be Homecoming King and Swan Song, though I do have story ideas for CC and Jake that will be going up soon as well :) 
          	Thank you for all your support. It really does mean a lot to me. Now, onto my other stories!!


          Frozen is complete!!! This is such a big deal for me because I've never fully completed a story before! I'm gonna go eat all the cupcakes and cookies to celebrate...
          Anyways, now that I've finished Frozen, I can keep working on the other stories. The next ones to be completed will probably be Homecoming King and Swan Song, though I do have story ideas for CC and Jake that will be going up soon as well :) 
          Thank you for all your support. It really does mean a lot to me. Now, onto my other stories!!


          Chapter Seven of Frozen almost done and up! Introducing a fun character from the animated movie I just couldn't leave out... drop your guesses on who it is down below! 
          In other news, I'm getting more work done on the story for Andy. It's called Swan Song. The plan is to split it into three parts, and I am currently about halfway or two thirds done with the first part so I can post it all at once! Hope you guys like the new stories that will be coming out soon! I can't wait to show you the new things I am coming up with!


Hey, just wondering if Frozen was still updating. I really liked the original, and the rewrite is amazing.


@User0126 Thank you for your support! it really means a lot to me.


@User0126 It is still updating, I have three new chapters that are about ready to be published!


Wow... okay... 
          Coming out of my cage and I've been doing... alright, I guess.
          It's been too long since i have been on this website! Here's an update for those that are still reading...
          Hi. I'm still the good ol' lovable Peyton that was last active on here in 2017. Only now, I am in college and now studying from home due to the COVID-19 crap. I hope all of you are doing well and that all of you are safe and healthy. 
          With the fact I am studying from home and jobless, I hope to be able to work on my fanfictions more often. I also hope to have at least one original book written and published, so be on the lookout for that! 
          Anyways, I hope you all are doing well. I miss you guys tons! It's been too long.


@OnGoldenWingsIFly I'm glad we're all happy and healthy. Welcome back!