
OMG PHANTASM HIT 100K READS IM PRYING AAAAAAAAA this is the only story I wrote that I actually like and I'm amazed that people actually appreciate it and are re-reading it after all this time :'(
          	My lazy ass doesn't deserve readers like you guys but I appreciate you so much for helping me achieve this goal. MUCH MUCH LOVE FROM ME AAAAAA ❤❤❤


Aaaa thank you for the kind words :'( sometimes I wish someone else wrote phantasm so I could experience the story like you guys did lol but seriously, much love from me always :D ❤


@OrgyHarmony You don't know how much I learned and cried because of that book. Phantasm got the top place for my most favorite book. ^__^


@aestheticallycabello thank you so much for the continued support idk what I did to deserve dedicated readers like you :'( p.s. ty for sticking with my unnecessarily dramatic stories lmao


          Please make the second Fantasma book  This story is so incredible and there is still so much to say about Sn's reunion with Camila. I want to know how things happened after the reunion in the studio and how the relationship developed, it skipped a year so this important part was very vague and I would like to know if Sn will become a singer or will just continue composing and producing other artists. And if Macy will work with Sn and become her great friend and how the relationship with Camila will develop and their memories, etc. 
          This book is perfect and deserves a sequel and we deserve it too! 
          you are an incredible author. 


Sorry, I'm from Brazil and my English is bad. 
            I hope you see my message and consider a continuation of this story.


2nd time reading phantasm years later and it still hits, and I re read it all in a binge read overnight hahah didn’t sleep & I felt all the emotions of myself when I was 12/13 reading it ahha, I remember skipping classes and hiding my phone binge reading hahha in that day.
          Now I’m frikin 18 and finished school & am a musician now, completely crazy fr wow
          Te amo Vincent fr my bruddah,
          Your writing makes me smile & feel butterflies & gives me inspiration to keep carrying on through everything & hope 
          Which I really needed <3 
          Miss you lots <333


@superssas I also work with music!! This book is incredible and I so wish there was a second book.


You probably won’t see this, but you are by far the best author I’ve read a story from. Seriously, phantasm is literally my favorite story. Everything about it was great. It’s so great that I’m literally writing this (I never write to someone on this app). Anyways I just wanted to let you know that phantasm is an amazing story and you did great by writing it. Btw it’s my third time reading it and it still gives me the same excitement as it did when I first read it.


okay im sorry but im asking around to all my fave authors here if any of you wrote that camila fanfic that's based on a movie where she's married and got into an accident and forgot everything? i really love the plot to that so...  


@prettyplscamden sorry ik im late and idk if u found it already but its not mine. If it's camren, i havent read a lot of them so i cant think of something off the top of my head. Really sorry, hope you find it tho


@saraviaN Deleted the story?