just read me and you'll understand me in every aspect on me. Support me and i'll support you sure. Follow me, too.

The book called "Sin decisión Alguna" first I started to write it like a
autobiography but while i was writing it i started to change everything. Now it's not my life. It's the Alan's life.
After i left the writing here and i kept writing only for myself as hobbi. I love writing. But then i've decided to retake this web and improve my stories. Because now they are two history the second one is called "Las consecuencias de tener una vida de locos" and in contradiction to the first one this is a Comedy one.

Coul do you talk to me in the chat? You know, it's that's why we're here.

Tumblr: http: //osmeycgm.tumblr.com/
WhatsApp and Line: 04147751688
Instagram: Osmeygonlz
  • Barcelona, Anzoategui
  • InscritAugust 9, 2013

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OsmeyGonzlez OsmeyGonzlez Jun 01, 2014 10:08PM
He regresado, me he tomado un tiempo para inspirarme en "Sin decisiones" que ahora se llamará "Sin decisión alguna". También he de comenzar un libro de comedia llamado "Las consecuencias de tener una...
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Sin decisión alguna par OsmeyGonzlez
Sin decisión alguna
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