Hello everyone!
Missed me? I missed yall lol I’ve been rather busy with life, adulting, and a growing career but I’m finally at a point where I can now put time aside to keep writing so yay us! The naughty society is back again baby!
I took the time yesterday to reread some of the stories I’ve published and I’ve come to the decision to take my newest love story off the market because I will be taking the time to go over and rewrite it — Honestly the storyline is good but the delivery isn’t quite what the new and improved me would like to see.
Stay tuned for new updates and new stories that I have in store for yall lovely people because baby we are back and we are going to thrive!
I love yall and I hope everyone has been staying safe during my unplanned and unexpected hiatus because I have a lot in store for the future, let’s have some. It’s about to be a wild ride!