
Hello everyone! 
          	Missed me? I missed yall lol I’ve been rather busy with life, adulting, and a growing career but I’m finally at a point where I can now put time aside to keep writing so yay us! The naughty society is back again baby! 
          	I took the time yesterday to reread some of the stories I’ve published and I’ve come to the decision to take my newest love story off the market because I will be taking the time to go over and rewrite it — Honestly the storyline is good but the delivery isn’t quite what the new and improved me would like to see. 
          	Stay tuned for new updates and new stories that I have in store for yall lovely people because baby we are back and we are going to thrive! 
          	I love yall and I hope everyone has been staying safe during my unplanned and unexpected hiatus because I have a lot in store for the future, let’s have some. It’s about to be a wild ride! 


Hello everyone! 
          Missed me? I missed yall lol I’ve been rather busy with life, adulting, and a growing career but I’m finally at a point where I can now put time aside to keep writing so yay us! The naughty society is back again baby! 
          I took the time yesterday to reread some of the stories I’ve published and I’ve come to the decision to take my newest love story off the market because I will be taking the time to go over and rewrite it — Honestly the storyline is good but the delivery isn’t quite what the new and improved me would like to see. 
          Stay tuned for new updates and new stories that I have in store for yall lovely people because baby we are back and we are going to thrive! 
          I love yall and I hope everyone has been staying safe during my unplanned and unexpected hiatus because I have a lot in store for the future, let’s have some. It’s about to be a wild ride! 


Are yall for this? So listen … I’m going to be uploading Halloween themed imagines all this weekend—YAY! OMG I can’t wait for yall to see what I have in store so be ready to get those minds in the gutteeeeer! 
          I will also be updating ‘Conditions Of Marriage’ over the course of this weekend ok? Now do NOT freak out people … But we’re going to be having some fun because baby the party has begun and I’ll be sure to upload enough chapters becauseeeee—WHY TF NOT?! Hope yall ready for a packed weekend!
          Enjoy and I love you my Slayagers! 


First things first, I apologize to the readers and those messaging me.
          I had every intention on releasing my new book today but I wanted to do a last minute altercation and when I woke up ... NO DAMN WIFI. This problem will definitely be resolved (wheww I hope quickly) then I’ll be publishing it on Thursday of next week as a present, I’m so sweet right lol let me stop but yea sooo look forward to it. 
          Love ya freaky people


So ... The time has come my freaky little folks and by that I meeeeeeaann (drum roll please) ... BRRRRRRRRRRRR—ok that’s good .. SATURDAY I WILL BE RELEASING MY NEW BOOK! AHHHHH!! Everybody freak out freak ooouuuuutt cause it took a little minute to get my head wrapped around it fully since there’s always a bunch of scenarios arguing with each other in my mind about which to use BUUUT now I’m somewhat settled so we’re going to see how this works out.
          Stay tuned this whole week people because you never know what’s in store ... hahaa! 


Honey you're my favorite You're funny freaky horny You make my day and night 


i’m feeling kinda great actually, must’ve woke up on the right side of the bed today 


How are you feeling today 


omg thank you so much ... you really just made my day 


IT IS NOW 3:40AM ON A SUNDAY AND GUESS WHAT YALL?!! BIHHHH-LISTEN OK I JUST HOPE YALL ARE READY FOR WHAT I HAVE IN STOOORE. Please tune in for the updates and continue supporting all the new comebacks like helloooo MULTIFANDOM LIFE BITCH AND WE GETTING FED LMAO! 


Alright my loves I had a funeral and family matters arise over the weekend so I couldn’t follow through with my weekend series update *cue the tears* but anywhooo tomorrow I will be making up for that by hosting “ᴛᴡᴏ-ᴛᴜᴇsᴅᴀʏ” .. *wink wink*
          And what is that you ask? Why it is a threesome affair with TWO idols and/or actors(tresses) to have some fun with a lucky lady .. Look forward to tomorrow Slayagers and stay safe everyone ..