Hi lovely people! thanks for visiting my page! (if that's what you would call this thing...) I have no idea what magical thing on wattpad brought you here but I'm glad it did! I absolutely LOVE reading, all different kinds of books, from Harry Potter to The Fault in Our Stars and everything in between! I'm currently reading Paper Towns, Tiger's Curse, City of Bones, Hawksmaid, Divide, The Mark of the Dragon Fly, and The Giver. So.. a lot, you could say that I'm booked with books! Sorry bad pun :) But that just proves how much I LOVE reading!!! I also like writing! I would very much appreciate it if you check out my books and leave a comment telling me what you think! I'm new at this though, so go easy on me :) 
I'm working on a lot of new things so be on the look out! and I have gotten multiple requests to continue updating the stories I currently have up so I will hopefully be updating them soon! I hope you keep coming back and checking them out! Have a GREAT day and thanks for visiting my page! :)
  • RegistriertAugust 9, 2014

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P1NKpantherX P1NKpantherX Jan 02, 2017 01:28AM
Happy new year everyone! I've decided to post a new story to start off the new year. Right now it's called Conscious but that might change depending on how the story develops :) Don't forget to let m...
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Geschichten von Jaysa Dae
Conscious von P1NKpantherX
Ashling is exactly what you'd expect from an average high school student who still hangs out with her friends...
The Girl Behind The Painting von P1NKpantherX
The Girl Behind The Painting
For as long as Ace can remember he has been searching for someone. Someone to help him remember, someone to h...
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