
i have shared my deep dark past with my friend alex. buckle the fuckle up my dude.


alright so where to start.
          well first of all, sorry. i stopped writing years ago because my "friends" would bully me about watching anime in general. pretty much i stopped liking it because i felt i was forced to. but recently i have gotten away from that toxic crowd and starting indulging again and i remembered about this little ol account. never in my wildest imagination could i have guessed rin's little angel to be at 400k reads and i would have 1.3k followers. like holy what??? eighth grade me is quaking. after some um brief skims through the stories ive previously written and the comments i came to the conclusion i had created a monster. listen even i don't know what kinda anime crack i was on when i wrote that stuff. so while i cant say im proud of past me's work at least i can say i didnt write smut (though it would have probably offended and confused less people). if you like, great. if you don't like it, also great. its fiction and like at the end of the day doesn't actually matter so it gave me a good laugh reading all the people like "iM ChriStaiN THis iS NoT whAt gOD is LiKE And NoT HOw ThiNgS wOrK iN tHE BiBle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" idk i guess i just found it amusing because im reform jewish so like yeah you caught me. but the past is the past and i can see where offense could be taken and bless your soul if you were chill about it. anyway id like to come back but i feel like no one cares so. i hope you've all been doing well since we last spoke and maybe, just maybe, ill see you in a new story. (oh yeah if i do write again im abandoning all previous works whoops)


@Panic_Boy_Pilots i care and i think your books are really good and i can relate to my “friends” making fun of me watching anime because i legit ignored them so much that they sent me 120000 texts per hour asking if i was alive and i was like ...