
I swear I didn't mean to disappear... also I'm finally getting my lazy butt on a roll because after a few months of trying to think of where I wanted the story to go, I figured out a way to make it work!  also I have off of school the next few weeks so hopefully I can work on something 


I swear I didn't mean to disappear... also I'm finally getting my lazy butt on a roll because after a few months of trying to think of where I wanted the story to go, I figured out a way to make it work!  also I have off of school the next few weeks so hopefully I can work on something 


So.... hello! Thanks to all who have followed me so far! I'm really sorry for this suuuuuuuuper long hiatus/pause from the story. I mainly procrastinated and then forgot the storyline I was going for... so I'm having a little trouble with remembering :/ Lo siento. (Sorry.) I'll try to work on it over the weekend and I'll try to get out a chapter on Monday? (If not I'm really sorry!) Thanks again to all who's supported the story so far and has stuck by it! Hopefully I'll see you guys soon in a near update!


I’m sorry for making you guys wait! I accidentally deleted my WattPad app and didn’t get any more notifications... I’m sorry I’ll get a move on on the story! Since it’s summer for me, I’ll have more time for the time being!


@Parfaiti welcome back!!


Also, thanks for the spam of notifications when I got back! I was surprised but am really happy you guys like the story so much!


Ok first: Thanks sm for 14 followers! I (again- I keep saying this lmao) really appreciate how much attention and support you guys are giving me and the story! I’m writing 2 other stories, so feel free to comment what ships you want to see!
          Second: (rant time lmao) So I’m doing this here, since I usually do these on my insta stories (but my irl friends now follow them and I don’t really wanna deal with them- even tho I’ll probably tell them later). I usually do these because talking about your problems is good and I like complaining (and if I don’t I’ll ‘bottle’ it up and get a bad mental health from my bad mind set lmao :-: )  I also kinda have like a bad idea in my head that I’m more masculine than feminine (btw I’m a gurl lmao). It doesn’t really help that a lot of people say I’m trans, a boy, etc. (Lmao I look like a boy) My mom makes fun of me for looking like a boy, and that I ‘dress’ like a boy (even tho she’s the one who buys my clothes). Today (since I crossed- dressed) I was wearing my brother’s shorts (because it was hot af out and I didn’t have anything else- and they didn’t fit him). They were from a few years ago, so I thought they would fit me. BOY was I wrong. They were really baggy and sagged on me. My mom picked me up from school (since I had an after school thing) and told me in these exact words ‘You look like you have a penis.’ No joke I almost choked. (On nothing lmao) Although it was kinda funny, it was just plain both rude and mean. She does these things, but I’m really sensitive about these things. (Lmao and I’m pretty sure she thinks I’m dysphoric and has low self esteem) She continues to insult me and has the nerve to say ‘oh what’s wrong? You’re not yourself.’ Then she continues to insult my voice (because it sounds lower than normal girls’ voices are)  and keeps asking me what’s  wrong. While I’m sitting there like wtf.... use your brain... hhhmmmmm, I really wonder... I was trying so hard not to cry.. lmao sorry got the long rant ;-;


Also, forgot to mention, I’m working on the next chapter! It should be out soon!