Ever since Ben rejoined Cobra Kai again, here are the expected details of the next two chapters of Episode 14 Strike Last in CK Chosen One of The Valley:
Chapter 77 - Strike Last, Train Harder:
1. Daniel buys Johnny's old dojo, with Kim and Raya eventually become partners as part of the American branch of Cobra Kai
2. Ben, Tory, Miguel and Anya trains for the finals of the Sekai Taikai as captains of Cobra Kai
3. Sophia Wilson telling Steph, Max, Devon and the others that she already turned down her offer to Princeton, but decided to stay at West Valley High to finish her high school and stay with her girlfriend
4. Sonny got accepted in California State University, as she decided to go with Molly and Wade to San Francisco.
5. Tom's advice to Ben to never let that pain change who he is.
6. Silver and Wolf confronts Zara and Axel about victory and the others cared for them during their Iron Dragons' Training
7. Ben thanked Johnny, Kim and the others for believing in him.
8. Tory and Anya thanked the LaRussos for trusting them.
Chapter 78 - One Last Fight:
1. Zara Vs Anya (1st Final Match of the Girls)
2. Tory Vs Tamara (2nd Final Match of the Girls)
3. Miguel Vs Li Wan (1st Final Match of the Boys)
4. Ben Vs Axel (Second Rematch - 2nd Final Match of the Boys)
5. Ben and Sam confessed their college dreams before the fight, because they are going to Japan after their high school year
6. Robby and Jack's confident on Tory and Anya
7. Daniel and Raya gloats Silver saying Cobra Kai Never Dies
8. Jonas saying goodbye to the family as he joins Kreese in stopping Silver, leading to their deaths
9. Zara, Axel and the former Iron Dragons captains apologized to Ben, Tory, Sam and the others, leading them to join Cobra Kai
10. Ben uses all of his skills from all dojos from flashbacks to defeat Axel.
That's all for now, see you around guys!