
Hi guys. I am kinda losing hope about this book that I have been publishing bcz nobody seems to be moving on to the story from the 2nd chapter. But I will finish this story as soon as possible and give a new English story. Okay guys.  So hope you guys will support me. Love y'all ❤️


Hi guys. I am kinda losing hope about this book that I have been publishing bcz nobody seems to be moving on to the story from the 2nd chapter. But I will finish this story as soon as possible and give a new English story. Okay guys.  So hope you guys will support me. Love y'all ❤️


this message may be offensive
Hey guys. How are you all doing? I know that I haven't published any books for a long time. I have been busy with my studies.I wanted tell some of you guys about something. I want to tell you all even if you try to read my stories please read my announcements before reading my novels. I don't want any of my books being reported for unnecessary things. I am telling this because two of my favourite books were unpublished because haters just reported those for nude content and shit but it had nothing like it. SO PLEASE I AM BEGGING ALL OF YOU BEFORE READING ANY OF OUR BL STORIES PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU REALLY LIKE BL BECAUSE DUE TO THA INCIDENT LOTS OF PEOPLE ARE SUFFERING. 
          Thank you.
          I will publish a book after all of my studies end because I have a lot of unfinished work. And I haven't found any inspiration for a new book. So hope you all will continue to read my first and only story present and support. Love you all. ♥️♥️


Hey guys. I am here to announce that i might not be able to publish the new book I was hoping to publish on the new year because I have been a little busy with my studies. But I promise you all that I will publish the book as soon as I finish writing it. 


I have a small question to ask from all of the readers.
          I have 2 ideas for my next book I am going to write next year.
          1. A book based on people who love Korean idols but are hated for doing it.
          2. A Jeongchan fanfic.
          Just give me a vote on what I should write about and I will do it next year.


@Stray_kids_shipper 1 would be interesting!


loving the update spam xx


@Stray_kids_shipper ofc!! i will start reading it today


Please support this book. I promise that there will be better stories coming in the future.