Hey to all my followers on now it's been a while since I deleted Runa I'm thinking about re-writing it but if you want me to post the original I'll gladly re post it. So if you want me to just send me a message and I will.
Hey to all my followers on now it's been a while since I deleted Runa I'm thinking about re-writing it but if you want me to post the original I'll gladly re post it. So if you want me to just send me a message and I will.
Ok If you freaking out right now because Runa was taken down relax I accidentally deleted it from Wattpad and gave myself a heart attack thinking I deleted years of writing thank God I found it on I back up drive so when I get a chance I will re post it AND add an additional chapter because this just reminded me how important this story is to me
I really need more comments to know if I'm going to fast or if my story makes any since at all also how I can improve and make my writing or my story better
Hey, Christie!
That you for adding Maid of the Round Table to your library! I'm so happy that you're enjoying it! I hope you continue to enjoy as time goes on. :)
P.S. Your background is so mind-boggling. o.0