
Hello fans and followers, I hope you are all doing well and fine. :)
          	I'm sure a number of you are wondering where the heck is chapter five! Well, I'll tell you: still sitting in my computer in a Word document. xD I got about halfway through it before I stopped dead to job hunt instead, and would you believe that I am now employed again, huzzah! :D So now that that's finally taken care of, I can  start writing again without my conscience guilting me, so expect the chapter to come out hopefully in a couple weeks. :) In the meantime if you haven't already, catch up on the story so far, drop a vote or a comment(or both!) and feel free to message me, I'll be sure to answer! Until next time, friends!


@Pen_Wordsword Congrats! Again, sorry for not seeing this earlier, but I’m terrible at remembering things. Can’t wait for the next chapter to come out!


Hello fans and followers, I hope you are all doing well and fine. :)
          I'm sure a number of you are wondering where the heck is chapter five! Well, I'll tell you: still sitting in my computer in a Word document. xD I got about halfway through it before I stopped dead to job hunt instead, and would you believe that I am now employed again, huzzah! :D So now that that's finally taken care of, I can  start writing again without my conscience guilting me, so expect the chapter to come out hopefully in a couple weeks. :) In the meantime if you haven't already, catch up on the story so far, drop a vote or a comment(or both!) and feel free to message me, I'll be sure to answer! Until next time, friends!


@Pen_Wordsword Congrats! Again, sorry for not seeing this earlier, but I’m terrible at remembering things. Can’t wait for the next chapter to come out!


Part Three, Chapter Four is posted! 
          I had quite a bit of fun writing this chapter. Here we get to explore the personalities of the spirited Malon some more and the the new and not-so-improved Ingo! How will Link fulfill his promise to Talon?  Read on and find out!
          As always,  comments, votes, and messages are always welcome and encouraged. I hope you enjoy this chapter, and look forward to the last installment of this chapter trilogy! HiC_Gamer, signing out! :)


Chapter three of part three is now up!
          A little on the short side, but I had to stop it early or it would have dragged on too long! Next chapter I promise  will be full of  story I think you'll all enjoy! :D Feel free to drop a comment or a vote(or both)!


Hello everybody!
          Yes, Pen_Wordsword, the mighty procrastinator of this age, is returned!!
          I am deeply sorry for my absence, I know I've done this a few times now, but it's hard to juggle life and my other hobbies with this one. Rest assured, I will be doing my absolute best to from this point on remain devoted to the completion of this series even if  I have to sacrifice my other hobbies. xD For real, I will even be willing to take a pay cut and work part time instead of full time. I daresay I would welcome the balm upon my sanity, kitchen life is no joke guys. lol
          As always, hit me up, I am always willing to engage my followers and fans! :)


Chapter 2 is finally posted! Huzzah! xD I got hooked on this one trying to decide which direction I wanted to take this story. With this chapter, Link sets himself on the road to become a hero!
          As always, feel free to vote, follow, comment and review, and even message me! : )


So it's been about two weeks since I started Chapter Two...and I'm only halfway done. x3 Sorry guys, combination of a growing work schedule and an unfortunate case of Writer's Block! This one has been a nuisance to write, but I'm glad to say that it is also over; while my schedule is still getting busy,  that block in the road is now gone, so I'll have something for you all soon. :) Thanks for your patience!


If anyone actually reads this, I have an idea I want feedback on. I've been wanting to start a side project for some time now, something I would update periodically while I still devote most of my time to to the adult saga. The idea for the story is actually probably a question any LoZ and OoT fan has toyed around with.
          What happened in Hyrule during Link's seven-year absence?
          Seven years is a long time, and a lot can happen in that much time. Vague events are hinted and given to us, but there is nothing definite as far as particulars go. This leaves a lot of room for imagination, and of course the creators did this on purpose, for us to imagine the cruelty and evil of Ganondorf spreading inevitably across the land. So, I thought to myself, why not show it?
          I haven't decided if this would be a collection of short stories from different characters, or if I would make it an original story line. So, I wanted to ask the community. :) Drop in your opinion in a chapter review or a PM, And we'll see where this goes!


I am pleased to announce that Chapter One of Part Three is now released! Thus begins the adult saga of the Hero of Time's adventure!
          Just like last part, I will be attempting to publish new chapters between one to two weeks, it all depends on my ever-changing work schedule. Lord I wish I had a salary job. xD  As always, I encourage you all to vote, comment, and enjoy! I am always happy to respond in the comments as well as PM's, so drop in and say hello! :D