
I'm not sure if anyone had gotten my last announcement in their inbox, but if you didn't, please read the previous announcement I had posted


          I saw you announcement about being inactive, but wanted to thank you for putting my book in your reading list anyway! 
          Hope you have a great time over on Ao3, maybe we'll see each other there one day!


@ Person_Meh  Thank you so much!
            The 60+ chapters kinda just... happened...
            And I gotta agree with you, if you search for oneshots here you get like 5 finished books before something actually active pops up...
            I want to try to get at least a few of the  longer chapters out on Ao3 and maybe try my hand at a bit more mature stuff (in the spicy direction if you know what I mean...) I'm not sure about that yet though...
            Have a nice night/day!


@Lonely__stranger  oh hi! I don't really comment or interact with things on wattpad anymore but I really like your book! I was honestly very surprised to see a countryhumans oneshot book with 60+ chapters and updated frequently.


I didn't see your message until I found you in one of my books and decided to say hi :(
          Ik we never really knew each other, but when we did meet in that book I was at an all time low from bullying and meeting someone who could keep up with my humor and make jokes with me genuinely helped, so I want to say tysm for that and that il miss you alot <3


@_-Squished_Adam-_ I do, I just never go on it though. I think I'm already in one of your servers


If you do ever see this, do you have discord?


this message may be offensive
Hi people of Wattpad. Is this my third or fourth apology about not being active? I don't know. But I don't think I will be using Wattpad anymore. I've moved on to AO3 and Tumblr, and you guys can find me there. I just can't keep up with all of the deleted books and drama and pedophile shit on here and I am sincerely sorry to say I am not going to be active on this account anymore. I will check in once in a while to read some of the fanfics on here (if they still are around). 
          Thank you all for being the best online friends I could ever have, and thank you for everything. Thank you @Dang0heart254, @Nasuada16, @Unhinged_Vol, @_-Squished_Adam-_, @ineedtoeatpotatoes, and many more for making my time on Wattpad great. I love you all and I hope you all are doing well.


@Person_Meh Stay safe!
            I don't really use Tumblr or Ao3 but I wish you the best


My AO3: LaHee_Onyx
            My Tumblr: laheeonyx