Hello! I saw you announcement about being inactive, but wanted to thank you for putting my book in your reading list anyway! Hope you have a great time over on Ao3, maybe we'll see each other there one day!

@ Person_Meh Thank you so much! The 60+ chapters kinda just... happened... And I gotta agree with you, if you search for oneshots here you get like 5 finished books before something actually active pops up... I want to try to get at least a few of the longer chapters out on Ao3 and maybe try my hand at a bit more mature stuff (in the spicy direction if you know what I mean...) I'm not sure about that yet though... Have a nice night/day!

@Lonely__stranger oh hi! I don't really comment or interact with things on wattpad anymore but I really like your book! I was honestly very surprised to see a countryhumans oneshot book with 60+ chapters and updated frequently.