
Lol, I just opened this app for the first time in months, I thought I deleted the account!
          	Anyway, imagine my shock at the number of notifications I had!
          	For anyone who is interested, I have moved to Ao3 as Callsign42.


Okay so if you ever want hot chocolate, but don’t have any packets, here’s what you do:
          Pour the amount of milk you want in a mug. Then pour it into a pot and put on the stove. You want to HEAT it, not boil it. 
          Assuming you make about 8-10 ounces of milk, all you need for the hot chocolate mixture is 2 tablespoons of white granulated sugar and 3 tablespoons of cocoa powder. Coconut sugar also works and makes it a bit more “zingy.”
          Whatever you do, don’t use brown sugar or powdered sugar. 
          And that’s my recipe of…let’s just say the only recipe I’ll be sharing 


My dialogue story, "This Will Be Something Great. I Just Don't Know What Yet" is officially complete! I'd appreciate you checking it out and giving feedback if you haven't already.
          For my Chenfordians, I've got some special projects in the you will have to wait until S4 is wrapped up. It's sad, I know. But I am preparing them in anticipation of the end of S4. The Chenford Song Fics collection is one of which you have gotten a small taste of already :)
          Til next time!


Guess what I’m watching right now


@PeruserofFantastical Ikr lol. He liked it. Said Toothless was his favourite character XD


@AbbyBrenton05 srsly? Lol idk how anyone hasn’t seen it. What’d he think?


When I say I’m going to clean my room it means I’m going to be on my phone for 15 minutes, clean until I get distracted, eventually start cleaning again and then end up writing or something until someone finally realizes I’ve been cleaning my room for over an hour.