Fell into the wonderful world of Fan-fiction and have written a bit of my own on a different site.  Might post some on here eventually.  I am known as PhantomBrat on unstated 'other' site.

I am also a nonprofessional artist who posts on deviantart:



Breakdown of accounts:
Fanfiction based-- @phantombrat

Abandoned/potential rewrites-- @brattyphantom

Nonfiction with cited sources-- @mythseekerghostlore


OC Designs--
If you are sent to me via anyone accusing me of making threats or whatnot here...
  • Hiding from real life
  • InscritJune 28, 2012

Dernier message
PhantomBrat PhantomBrat Mar 19, 2022 12:48PM
Random Rant:Why does it seem like when you tell someone that you don't give away freebies, like digital art, they demand that you give it to them for free anyways?!Like seriously! I was accused of...
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Histoires par PhantomBrat
The Unknowns par PhantomBrat
The Unknowns
Meet Rose, a quiet teen who has moved into Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. She says nothing but keeps...
ranking #91 dans la catégorie xmenevolution Voir tous les classements
Free Flight par PhantomBrat
Free Flight
A young man stumbles upon a newly hatched dragon. What struggles will they face together? Why is the young ma...
ranking #7 dans la catégorie phantombrat Voir tous les classements
Hunted par PhantomBrat
Yugi, Ryou, and Malik are on the run from other vampires when they are captured by Hunters. They are given a...
ranking #3 dans la catégorie phantombrat Voir tous les classements
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