this message may be offensive
This year I made a promise to myself to start working out more and I haven’t been doing that and it’s been makes my anxiety and feelings about my body worse, so while I’m on spring break and continuing onto the weekends and summer I’m going to be getting up at 5 am and working out. I’m going to do this I’m making a promise to myself I’m going to feel better about my body and how I look I know I’m never gonna get to a fucking supermodel but I can feel good about myself again I can go back to how I was in 2nd grade staring at myself in the mirror saying “I’m beautiful” instead of now when I look at myself and say “I’m too fat” “I need to lose weight” “I’m not attractive” “I’m ugly” “I should eat less” “I am gross” “I’m hideous” “why do people like me?” I’m done with those thoughts I want them gone and despite knowing they’ll never go away fully I want to try.