I've never been really in to writing, but seeing all of the inspiration around me-- including my fabulous sister, Mia Solimine-- I decided to write a story that is, itself, inspiring. Speaking of, please check out my story: A Whole New Game.
You also may want to check out, "Eye of Raven", "Moonlight's Curse", and "Kayla Singer: A Love Story"--- all by my sister, Mia, (unicornlover3000109) because her stories are unbelievable! I'm telling you! AWESOME!!! ;D
  • InscritDecember 31, 2017


Histoires par Ava Rose
Sensitive par Photographydancer1
You can't be sensitive... but not TOO sensitive.
Desperate par Photographydancer1
Don't change for people who don't accept you.
Imaginary Friends par Photographydancer1
Imaginary Friends
Don't feel strange unless you care.