
So apparently the anxiety has always been a thing with me and my dear mother decides to tell me that NOW?
          	It’s like, a thing I’ve always done?!


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My mental health is really very not good right now.
          I might be acting a bit irritable and just bad I guess but also
          (Me, having a really bad mental health day): lays my head on the table
          (My family, clearly aware my mental state is fucking terrible): whATs WrONg WItH yoU?!


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Like I know, why, physiologically, panic attacks are so exhausting.
          But are you telling me that because my dumb brain can’t function normally and decided to panic over nothing at SEVEN IN THE MORNING, I’m just gonna be fucking exhausted all day?!


@louified thank you and ill try xd


@PippinIsTheBest THIS IS SO REAL ToT (I hope you’re feeling better tho, please try to take care of yourself as much as you can xx) 


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Tw for self harm (not graphic, again, I’m not trying to trigger anyone, also I’ll be talking about fics not reality)
          I FUCKING HATE when people in fics just TELL somebody self harm is not the solution and they just STOP?
          Like, that’s so fucking bullshit
          I got told by multiple people but the urge doesn’t just stop because someone tells you they love you and don’t want you to hurt yourself.
          Yes, recovery is possible, of course, but them just NOT doing it EVER AGAIN? 
          Do these people not know about relapses?
          Anyway, sorry for that, just got upset over a dumb 20 000 word fanfic lmao


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Tw (mainly bc somebody reported one of my rants recently and I never intend to trigger somebody just bc I feel like shit)
          Can my mind just like stop?
          I’m on the verge of a panic attack
          I feel so hopeless it’s not even funny anymore
          I feel like basically none of my smiles are actually genuine anymore
          I hate thinking about the future yet I do it all the time
          I don’t know where the gifted kid with ambitions went but it sure as hell ain’t me anymore


@louified thank you so much I love you


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I’m so sorry that someone reported you, that fucking sucks and you didn’t really do anything to deserve that! 
            Idk what to say bc I don’t think anything I’ll say would really help rn, but you’re so loved (by me and others) you’re a really kind soul and you deserve happiness in life, and I promise you you’ll be really fucking happy someday but you just have to get through this rough part and like I know easier said than done but yeah. 