
So, hello everyone!
          	As many of you have already noticed, I recently published Rogue with the intentions of rewriting/redoing The Purity. I know TP was a big fan favorite for the little time it was up, so here's to everyone who enjoyed reading it. I'm going to do my absolute best to finish that story so that y'all can finally have the ending you deserve.
          	Additionally, I have read your requests to bring back my other books. Most of that decision is still undecided, and I apologize for it. I cannot look at half of my stories without desperately wishing they were done better. I know Expect the Unexpected was a HUGE favorite for a majority of my readers; I know many of you wish for it to return. However, I cannot post the original without hating how it turned out. 
          	So... that's why I'm rewriting it.
          	ETU will be posted once more, as a new book with a better plot/storyline and a bigger world (plus many more little additions). I owe my entire writing progress over the years to every single one of you, so here's my thank you<3
          	I love you! Hopefully you all enjoy what I've come up with.


@Pisanthrophobia_  can u pls upload surrender . i wanted to read it for a long time but not finding it.pls reupload them atleast for a few days where i can read it pls




@Pisanthrophobia_ omg, I really loved your original works (I have read all of them several thousand times). But as a writer, I do understand your decision to rewrite them again, and as for you, I am sure the new rewritten versions will be wayyy more amazing. I am all up for the ride! ❤️ P.S expect the unexpected was my favorite amongst all your books, so I am reallllyyyy glad you are doing that one first!  


Hi, sorry if I'm disturbing you, I read your fanfic and loved it! I would like to know if you would allow me to translate your fanfic into Portuguese, if you did I would make some changes (character names, etc;) I would give you all the credits you deserve, if you didn't allow me, that's fine! Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience.


Hey Buddy, Sorry for posting this on your profile. If it seems inappropriate, please feel free to delete it.
          Hi guys, if you're looking for the book STRANDED by jjktopskth, this is a story inspired by it. I really love that book, so I created my own version based on it, hope you like it!