Hey y’all, I’m sorry I haven’t been active at all in the past couple months, there’s been a lot going on. Turns out something might be wrong with my heart, they did an EKG because I kept passing out but my bloodwork was normal and something wasn’t right with that so I have a referral to a cardiologist. Hopefully it’s nothing too serious. Also, on a more positive note, your girl’s got a new boyfriend! He and I have been friends for a couple years and honestly I’ve had feelings for him for a while but never acted on them because I didn’t want the friendship to be weird but I’m already a lot happier than I was in my last relationship. Also he and I are campaigning for sophomore homecoming court because some friends pressured us into it, so that’s fun. J.N.
@Planet-Of-Anarchy First off that's terrible! I really hope that you're alright. I'm here if you ever want to talk or just to vent. Second, oh my gosh that's super cute! I'm sure that you guys make an adorable couple.