
Hello everyone! 
          	I’m back with another chapter of Super! Here is Chapter 24: "Aftershocks"! And just a heads up, the next few chapters are gonna get spooky my friends! 


Hi Guys, 
          I've got some bad news. This past week my laptop passed on to computer heaven, so unfortunately I am not going to be able to update any of my books for while. Also, I'll be graduating soon (YAY) so I'm not going to have much time to write. You might not hear from me for a bit, but I promise I'll be back!!!


Hello Everybody!
          I know it’s been a while but I’m back with Chapter 18 of Daughter of Artemis, “Free Range”. I swear to god it’s not about chicken! But it’s a wild ride so just mentally prepare yourselves! I hope you all like it!


          I’VE GOT NEWS!!! “Daughter of Aries” just reached 13,000 reads!!! Wow, all of you guys are AMAZING! Thank you so much for reading, it genuinely means the world to me!!!!
          And…it seems just a little too fitting that DoA reached 13k reads…in 2020…in October. Let’s just hope it’s not a bad omen. 


Hi Everyone! Chapter 22 of Super, "The Hole", has just been posted. Get ready for lots of feelings, this chapter is full of 'em!!!
          And also a quick update:
          Chapter updates for my books are probably going to be a little less frequent for the rest of this year. My classes and internship take up a lot of my time which unfortunately means I won't have as much time for writing as I used to. But I'm really going to try to post at least a chapter of something each month. Thank you for understanding. 
          Stay safe everybody!!!


Rebel, Telex, and Ashley are finally going to take down Dolly (at least that's their plan anyway). Chapter 21 of  "Super" has just been posted!!!!! Enjoy!!!
          Quick "Daughter of Artemis" update:  I'm having a few problems with next chapter of DoA, so unfortunately there may not be a new chapter this month. I'm sorry about this everybody! Please be patient with me, I'll try to get a chapter out to you as soon as I can. 
          Please stay safe and healthy everyone!


Chapter 19 of The Ransom Estate, "Tragedy", has just been posted!!! It's, understandably, a bit of a sad one but I am so proud of how it turned out. Give it a read and let me know what you think!!! Stay safe everyone!