
I have decided to give up all Social Media for Lent (03/05 - 04/20/2025). This includes not only Facebook but also other "Platforms" such as Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, and Snapchat.


Hey do you remember me? You created a character for one of my stories. Kid Greasers Taking Over. Sydney twin to Skylar and parents are Connor and Corki. Do you still want to be apart of the story or no? I'll understand either way. 


@PonyboyCurtis1952 I just requested to follow you and we can talk about Sydney


@PonyboyCurtis1952 Hey long time no talk. How are you? Question I know you said you wanted me to keep Sydney in the story as part of the Mitchell family but how would you like to do that? I also completely understand if you don't want to be apart of the story anymore and want me to take her out but I have to know if you want her in or not or I can't move forward with the story. (I hope this message makes sense.) 