Hi, I have a question for those of you who've read the Magisterium series by Holly Black and Cassandra Clare. Which Hogwarts house do you think Call would be sorted into? I have ideas for like five different Magisterium Hogwarts Fanfictions, but this is one of the things that stops me from writing them every time. I can never pick a house for Call, because he could fit into any of them. Call is loyal AND resourceful/cunning AND courageous AND clever, so it is hard to find a fit based on his personality. And he is still pretty divided in terms of his desires and choices. He values his friendships and the trust of his friend's as well as honor and knowledge. This is the one reason that I don't really think he is a Slytherin. He doesn't really want power or glory ( And actively tries to avoid wanting it once discovering that he's Constantine), and he doesn't really seem to place a lot of value in his cunning or resourcefulness. But, he could still easily be a Hufflepuff, Gryffindor, or a Ravenclaw, so I don't really know what to do. I feel like Aaron is definitely a Hufflepuff, and Tamara is very likely a Slytherin, but I just don't know about Call.

@PonyboyCurtis67 No problem. Also, I'm totally with you on the whole authors messing up the story thing. Usually I'd let them do what they wanted but they totally jumped ship on the original story idea I'd fallen in love with. It was sad to see them chase after plot twists in reckless pursuit, wrecking havoc (no pun intended) on their story and characters. I personally enjoyed the inner struggle that came with not wanting to accept he was a Slytherin- cunning and self-serving, but also wanting to care for his close friends so I'd go with Slytherin, but I'd understand Gryffindor too. It's just a personal preference of mine at this point, but Gryffindor could pose some interesting scenarios too!

@ElvishSorceress I think I might go with Gryffindor. I guess I just feel like he was more of a Slytherin in the first book than in the rest of the series (but that's just me). Plus it'll be kinda cool if each of the three characters are in a different house. I also kind of want to go against the author's a little bit because I'm kind of annoyed with a lot of choices they made in terms of writing Magisterium. I know that sounds kind of weird, but there are a lot of aspects to the last three books that I just thought could have been thought out a lot more. I fell in love with the series, and then it felt like they sorta abandoned it. So I would prefer to put him in a house that they didn't pick. Again, sorry that that is kind of weird. Or maybe I will make him a Slytherin...I don't know. You brought up a lot of good points. Thank you for all of the help.

@PonyboyCurtis67 He also isn't friendly like a Hufflepuff ought to be, isn't a seeker after knowledge, and struggles with a more skewed sense of morals than most. Maybe a Gryffindor would work, but I find difficulty seeing him in a chivalrous light. I'd go either Gryffindor or Slytherin.