
@XxPierceTheHaleyxX. Shut the hell up


Bbrreeee!!! You crackhead! Useing my lines and such!  Stalkers are gunno find us now you mentioned grayville! I can see it now. While your drivin niall will be sittin on your lap! (Not grinding. Sorry to burst ya bubble) And zayn will be dancing in the passanger seat hanging out the window.  And then me and liam will be hangin out the top of the car shootin cows in the ass. (And let me tell yah them things get up FAST). Then louis (THE S IS SILENT I GET IT BRE QUIT REMINDING ME) Will be doing the chicken dance while harry is tryna dance like the guy off of footloose. And during this all. Were singing tarzan boy. *bows* thank ya. Thank ya very much. ;) LOVE YOU BRE!!