Hello everyone! Harvey here again, and I am here to say that my two one shot/headcannon books will sadly be closed for a little while.
Since my motivation is starting to come back little by little, I would wish to work on my story books more.
Though that doesn't mean I won't do any one shot/headcannon requests that were already given to me in the past that I haven't been able to work on, I just won't be taking any requests after this post! So don't worry, your requests haven't been forgotten.
Again, I'm sorry I haven't been active with updating and other things. I never thought motivation would be this hard to keep, especially with all the things going on in my life, but now I'm hoping that I can continue updating these stories more and more so they don't end up forgotten!
Anyways, that should be all I have to say for now.
So this is Dr. Hare signing off! -