my birthday isnt ruined because they got him out and everything was okay in the end (plus i got a camera and $400.) throughout the argument i was hoping they would call the police. They could call them, M wanted to drunk drive which he usually does which was putting the baby in danger. He even admitted hes becoming an alcoholic. he also had a fight with my brother once (guess what?! M was drunk at the time too.) and that ended in him being kicked out and ripping off the side mirror on my brothers car. he also recently punched my other cousin at work for no reason at all. (by recently i mean two days ago) i dont understand why my parents dont stay away from him. we've had so many bad problems with him and he ends up making cry. fun fact: i hate loud noises, like screaming, explosions, super loud music, etc. so when he starts yelling i cry, a lot. omg his gf is also crazy like she always makes herself out to be the victim, and M has anger issues. dude i feel bad for his gf, shes overdramatic and needs to learn that she isnt always the victim, but he should learn to control himself.

idk if i said this but the rest of the day was great, i completely forgot about it