
Since I've been MIA for so long let's talk about Dino fury...Ninja steel 2.0 yes that is very much correct with that elements of a gimmick that has nothing to do with the direction of the suits..Zayto, let's be real people he started off as week as Devon did. 
          	Zayto's backstory, let's all agree it wasn't as astonishing as people thought it was. Orion anyone. We could talk about his horns another time but let's just say Kamen Rider Hibiki wants his drum sticks back. 
          	Ollie, the guy started off weak and his attitude....I'm surprised the rangers allow him to talk them that way. 
          	Javi...Ravi should I say more? 
          	Amelia...same pink ranger for decades. 
          	Now the biggest bummer...Izzy...Izzy..Izzy....zzzzzzzzzzz first female in green...so what she is no different from another female ranger. She ripped off her skirt...uh soooo. 


Since I've been MIA for so long let's talk about Dino fury...Ninja steel 2.0 yes that is very much correct with that elements of a gimmick that has nothing to do with the direction of the suits..Zayto, let's be real people he started off as week as Devon did. 
          Zayto's backstory, let's all agree it wasn't as astonishing as people thought it was. Orion anyone. We could talk about his horns another time but let's just say Kamen Rider Hibiki wants his drum sticks back. 
          Ollie, the guy started off weak and his attitude....I'm surprised the rangers allow him to talk them that way. 
          Javi...Ravi should I say more? 
          Amelia...same pink ranger for decades. 
          Now the biggest bummer...Izzy...Izzy..Izzy....zzzzzzzzzzz first female in green...so what she is no different from another female ranger. She ripped off her skirt...uh soooo. 


Beast Morphers (A Remake of Saban's mess) That's all I got to say about that show.


I think Nickelodeon is also guilty for PR’s dark age.


Saban shouldn’t be the only culprit.


Let me just write down words of advice, don't take it as wisdom because I am clearly before my years. However, when it comes to the power ranger community what is the first thing you expect from eachother? Respect? Heh, that's the last thing you'll get unless someone in the right mind set knows the value of support. 
          You want from others but then you don't give. From what I've seen, people asking for advice, they ask for drawings which I've seen many do for free (as well as they expect it to be drawn in days when its hence might I say FREE. So the artist isnt entitled to do the drawing in your time frame.) and they even ask you to read their work... and then once their WANT is fulfill they forget all about you.
          Now how do you expect respect if you don't know how to deliver. This goes to the position of not keeping your promises. I as a matter of fact have been the culprit in these matters. I told my brother I would be helping him with his homework assignment (since he enjoyed my company) and then I kept pulling it off, not because I not only had a life but my priorities weren't the things I made promises too and that was my brother. I've even done this to my friends, my friends the ones who helped out of my shadow. I didn't see what the big deal was and I just thought my brother was just being a brat and expected more out of me which I wasn't even trying to deliver. That was when kharma hit me right in the face and after that I apologized to him and made sure I never give him false hope again. It wasn't me telling him it was me doing it and I kept that promise ever since. 


300 followers and then you are following double that amount or even triple. Shows your desperate and how you got you followers to being with instead of being patient. 
          Following for a follow, you don’t receive it back so you unfollow? Why? Don’t waste your time. 
          Following because one of your friends followed someone and your hoping to get their follow back. Again desperate...how about show cast your talent and let the viewers decide. 


Follow someone because you’re intrigued in their work not because you want more followers, that’s just ridiculous. 
            300 followers and then I see your following 1000..WHAT? 


When asking for my thoughts on your stories...I give my honest opinion and I get an answer like okay and nothing’s changed.
          Or I give an opinion and I get a nonsense reason as to why their story isn’t as bad as I said it is. You shouldn’t ask for my opinion if it hurts.
          For the ones who take my opinion and go with it and I see changes I appreciate your strength of knowing you need to improve. 
          However there’s a lot a lot of hypocrites that say they’ve listen and I go check and I see the same bad writing and whitewashed characters and stories that make no sense. 
          One thing I do loathe a lot is when a canon character is brought into stories without a valued reason or without a purpose. You want to put canon rangers into your stories? Then have them make sense, don’t just put a character that had quit and into your story and have no reason why they choice to return. 
          I’ve seen a few stories improve greatly but the descriptions...what’s so hard about describing a event or how the character feels properly. 
          Having trouble? Check out other stories that have millions of views, they have millions of views for a reason. 
          Stop being ashamed to take criticism. Stop being in doubt if you don’t have many reads and views. There’s a reason for that, take advice and use it, don’t be an idiot and tell me okay...okay can mean yeah whatever as I see with a lot of your power ranger stories.