This part I hated most. Let me mark on your mind that all your thoughts to a person are not correct. Okay. I'll be straight to the point. Not all who were here are wanted to aim reads, votes, or comments. And I'm one of those! I create, because I wanted! I published my work though the grammars of it were climbing up and falling down, because I'm already contented! Now, who are you to say that "it's worst, ever!" Haha. I'm sorry, but I'm not like what mostly of people here that aims to have a famous work. Again, I'm here, because I decided to be here of course. Lol. And I create a work that has full of errors in grammar. Again, it's my decision. Lol. Maybe I would like to create a club for those who have "errors" in their grammar of the story. Lol. But I don't need to do that. a person who is truly talented knows how to appreciate the good and bad thing.
I'm sorry. I just wanted to express this.
That's all. Hehe. Have a good day!:D