Hey there😃.This is Preesha Pattnaik from India. People say  I am a crazy bit. 
But those who know me close, say I am even worse.😏. Books are my passion and reading is my obsession. Hope we all readers get to match with each other and enjoy ourselves 😉😊
  • India
  • انضمApril 11, 2020


الرسالة الأخيرة
Preeshapattnaik Preeshapattnaik Apr 21, 2020 08:43AM
I just published a new chapter of my novel. Please read, vote, comment and shatehttps://www.wattpad.com/story/221281937
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قصة بقلم Preesha Pattnaik
I Don't Know You.. بقلم Preeshapattnaik
I Don't Know You..
Shia Brooks is a biology student at the St. Albert Highschool, who is fostered by the Pricipal. She leads a s...
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