
What's up , guys ?!!
          	Just published the third song of my book , •*Adele's Lyrics*• !!!
          	Guess what song it is ?! ;)
          	It's one of my fave songs of her so , be sure to check it out !!!
          	And sorry guys for the late publishing of •*One Direction Imagines*• , Y'know , it requires a lot of imaginations !!
          	But soon you'll be able to read it , stay tuned !! :)
          	Enjoy Yourselves , Smile Often !! <3


What's up , guys ?!!
          Just published the third song of my book , •*Adele's Lyrics*• !!!
          Guess what song it is ?! ;)
          It's one of my fave songs of her so , be sure to check it out !!!
          And sorry guys for the late publishing of •*One Direction Imagines*• , Y'know , it requires a lot of imaginations !!
          But soon you'll be able to read it , stay tuned !! :)
          Enjoy Yourselves , Smile Often !! <3


          How are ya doin' ??
          Hope your fine ^_^
          I've published my new book here on Wattpad
          Hope you can read it
          It's called (How To Train Your Griever)
          Oh,by the way,I love your vocals very much, plus your English


I'm so fine !!! Thanks for asking 'bout me :)
            Oh , of course I'm gonna read it , Sounds interesting !! ;)
            Well , I think that's a compliment , but thank you anyway ... ^_^
            I like your English too , keep up the good work , girl ! ✌️


How is it going , everyone ? ✌️
          Hope you're totally fine !!
          So , how's the first story of •*One Direction Imagines*• , I know it's kinda weird but , what's your opinion anyway ?!
          One more thing is , I published the second Adele song , "Someone Like You" , be sure to check it out !!!
          So I wanted to tell you , that the reason why I make so much spaces and dots in the songs' lyrics is because I want to make it easy for the reader to follow the lines , especially for new learners of the song !!
          So , excuse me in that !! :D
          Enjoy Yourselves , Smile Often ...
          Bye ! ✌️


How are Y'll Doin' ? 
          I've finally completed the first story of *One Direction Imagines* and published it too ... Yay !!!!
          So , as I told before , you can imagine your fave boy with you in the story. It doesn't have to be the one mentioned ! 
          Also , I made the other book , and it's called *Adele's Lyrics* . It's about all your fave Adele's songs lyrics without leaving {WattPad} .. ✌️
          I'll be updating that everyday as I could! So , Enjoy..
          C'mon ! Go on and read *One Direction Imagines* first story , it's amazing if you're open - minded !!
          Don't forget to Smile often , and BYE ! ✌️


Hey guys !! ✌️
          Sorry for my long absence ...
          I was having a lot of school and exams last weeks. It's tough , I know! :D
          Firstly ..
          I've nearly finished the first chapter of {One Direction Imagines} , It's about "Harry" !!!!
          I may publish it today or tomorrow for max. 
          Hope you like it! The second chapter is going to be about *Niall* , so stay tuned , Niallers !!! ;)
           Secondly ...
          I'm making another book ( Or maybe "Books" ) about  •*Songs Lyrics*• , which many of you might need to memorize your favorite song when you're on {WattPad} already ! ;)
          And lastly ...
          I'll try not to be absent this whole time again as hard as I can. 
          Enjoy yourselves , Smile often !
          Bye ..


How Are Y'll Doing ?! 
          As you know , I downloaded "Wattpad" just yesterday ...
          And I explored it bit by bit to know how it's used. 
          It's just ... AMAZING !!
          Thanks to my friend who recommended for me to download it !! 
          She knows herself ... 
          Kay , so right now I'm working on a *1D Imagines* , but I don't know what to call it : either {Harry Styles Imagines} Or {One Direction Imagines} ??!! 
          Maybe cuz I thought of the first Imagine Story to be about Harry ?? ( Btw , it's a little bit weird  )
          But I have stories about all the boys , so maybe {One Direction Imagines} is more suitable ...
          What do you think ? ✌️


I'll try that soon !!
            Sorry for being late last weeks ...


@Prielivi I think you should write about The Vamps