
Hi there Prisca! How are you doing? I love your name Oyiza. I know someone who bears that as well, but she's Ebira. Are you also from that tribe? Or where are you from?
          Anyways, let me use this opportunity to do a little self-promo. My name is Mofeoluwa and I've got this book that I think you would like. It's titled The Bridge. It's original, a quick read that's not at all cliché, has a lot of great reviews and is riddled with plot twists that you would never see coming. I would really love to have you join my family of readers, so would you please check it out?
          You don't have to if you don't want to. I don't want you to feel forced so it's okay if you're not interested. But one thing that I'd ask for is that you should give it a chance before deciding. If you do decide to read, kindly leave a review once you're done. Thank you so much for even reading this message. You're a star✨


@mothewriter_ hello Mofeoluwa, how are you doing...yes, I am also ebira....I am just seeing your message...I am so sorry it took this number of years to read and respond to this ..I read d bridge last year and it's so beautiful and creative... you are good...keep up the good work sister