Perhaps I shall update the lost souls of Wattpad on the whereabouts of the person on the internet that they forgot about.
My name's Bethany. Yep. That's me. I figured out a few things about myself, and that includes my courage to finally come out as trans back in June 2023. Its been forever since then, I know, and I completely abandoned Wattpad long before then.
I'm 19 now, graduated high school earlier this year and I've had a loving boyfriend for about a year and a half now. A few mental health issues aside, everythings been going good. I work in fast food at the moment and I plan on moving out soon.
For the lost souls reading, no, this does not mean I'm coming back by any means. I'm not going to finish any stories and I can simply spoil the ending for those curious lol
Hopefully everyone else is doing okay, though, I'll be soundly deleting this app for good after announcing this. Thanks for being the first brick in helping me figure out my guidance in life, and farewell, Wattpad.