"Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope, and that enables you to laugh at life's realities." - Dr. Seuss Through the Fantasy genre, we create worlds, unlike the one we live in, setting free our imaginations and giving in to the wildest of possibilities. We present to you, the winners of the Seraph Awards, Fantasy Genre. First Place - Arcana|| Book I: Wolf In The Fable Trilogy by @windstruck07 Second Place - Dance Of Light And Shadows by @JohanValentine Third Place - The Rot by @KKSisterStories and Fantasia by @phantom_planet Honorable Mentions - The Balance by @sscott8 Murder Is The Easy Part by @JacketJane The Missing Piece Of History by @Niranju98
@Project-Seraph thanks for the privilege * w * and congrats to all the winners!