
@Xwildx_xchildX wow the beach, lucky! Ugh I've been in school all this time... What kind of stuff are you reading? I've recently finished a tom hiddleston fanfic and a sherlock fanfic, both pretty amazing


@Xwildx_xchildX hey how's it going? Haha yeah, I'm just pitching around ideas. The story that you commented on was from a weird dream I had a while back! Have you been doing a lot of writing/fangirling lately? lol


@PureMelodies Sorry it took so long to answer .. I was at the beach lol anyways I'm good wbu ? and I would love to have the dreams you have , mine are just random stuff that make sense in the dream, but then when I wake up I'm just confused . lol . fangirling yes a lot actually, but writing not as much as I want to because of school starting back up and stuff .. also having a bit of a break so I could read some stuff on wattpad , which I've read quite a bit of stuff actually ..