
And right now Alanea would be a whimpering mess in the corner
          	Its thundering loudly and bout to rain


Right soo...I'm making a character named Storm(Cough cough SkyTin cough cough) and when I started there's thunder and lighting outside my window saying a storms coming....
          And now I have an idea.Storm can control weather
          Should I go with it?


Guys...I'm scared
          I keep having dream...well more like nightmares...Where either I'm hurting my self or everyone gets hurt or dies because of me...
          I tried to cut my self with a pair of siccors...Luckily they're dull so...I just...I don't know what to do...


this message may be offensive
            But reality hurt's just as much.People think I have the mind of a 7 year old and think I'm annoying as hell
            Hell someone tried to KILL me over it
            And I know I'm a dissapointment to my mom...I'm just a reminder of her old life and mistake's....
            I feel like a mistake


            Hun, please don't.
            You're worth so much more...
            Bad dreams are bad DREAMS they're not REAL 
            You shouldn't let the dreams take over, stay in reality
            And dont EVER
            Try to hurt yourself
            You'll only keep on regretting