Awwww thank you for following me!!!Followed you back,cause your randoooooooom and so am IIIIIIIIIII.....awww and for the love of brownies you're a Directioner too.I love you!!! :D
@Pink_Punk hahahaha thats awesome where did you get that shirt I want one.
I used to have one that said 'This woman called me immuture so I immediatley banned her from riding my pet unicorn' but my threw it away cos shes mean like that
@IxAMxNOTxSTUPID lol same thing.
actually right now i s i type this im wearing a shirt that says "if you think im crazy you should meet my friends" lol and i love randomness!!! :D
@Pink_Punk I'm going to tell u a secret…… my friends r crazy and we all need help *looks left and right shhhhhh
( I'm really random and get bored far too easily!)