I'm alive!!!
God, getting backing into this account has been an experience, but I figured it out and now I am back.
And I have returned with a stronger Homestuck need than ever.
I'm alive!!!
God, getting backing into this account has been an experience, but I figured it out and now I am back.
And I have returned with a stronger Homestuck need than ever.
Well guess who clearly wasn't really awake today. Me, I was late to school, walked all the way to my six period class, stopped when I realized we had to go to advisory, turned around, started to walk away, then remembered that, guess what, my six period WAS my advisory.
Dealing with long wet hair is what I could assume holding a drunk symbiote is like. I’ve got Venom on my head and he’s currently wrapped around my neck, torso, under one armpit, and my forehead.
(This is the most mood post ever)