-Why am I the 0nly 0ne with a l0ng m0ther fucking name!! Honk!-

Blood Color: Purple

Troll Strife Deck: Clubkind

Things Said a Lot:
''M0ther Fucking Shit y0u're stupid''
''D0nt-*HONK*-T0uch Me!!''
"I'm sorry, that was rude of a brother."

((My Voltron Profile: https://www.wattpad.com/user/PurplePaladin-
  • Listening to Kankri talk about triggers
  • InscritJanuary 4, 2019

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Qoxros_Rossin_Makara Qoxros_Rossin_Makara Oct 12, 2022 11:31PM
I'm alive!!!God, getting backing into this account has been an experience, but I figured it out and now I am back.And I have returned with a stronger Homestuck need than ever.
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Qoxros Rossin Makara par Qoxros_Rossin_Makara
Qoxros Rossin Makara
"Ask 0r Dare away, H0nk!" "Any thing's fine really.."
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